Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mercury rising

The flap of the second monkey has been completed and heel turning is imminent!! Stay tuned for future developments!

It's gonna get hot people...really hot. In the nineties! That kind of heat demands wet fruit...I think these apricots fit the bill nicely, don't you? Juicy, juicy...yum!

On another note...L-B wrote me today about a horrible incident that occurred in Richmond, VA. You can read more about it here. If you'd like to sign an electronic petition protesting this abomination, you can do that here. Bulldozing a cat habitat should not be an option.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this and helping to expose the unconscionable actions of management at Fox Richmond WRLH.
Last night, WRLH management referred to putting "lansdscaping" on hold after the fact of bulldozing the feral cat colonies and attempted to place blame on their own employees who were helping the cats. There is no "landscaping" involved in the tiny lot.
They need to be held accountable and,in my opinion, prosecuted on animal abuse charges.

Jill L said...

Very hot here too and with over 800fires in the state, very smoker and stuffy too. love the monkeys!