Welcome to the 2009 edition of Babette's Garden!
Take your shoes off and put your feet up, grab a cool drink and sit a spell.

Babette is my mom, and this post is for her!
Her garden is invested with a plethora of colors, textures, scents and even tastes! It is in constant flux as the rains come and go... the days get longer (and warmer)...and the nights cooler. You'll never see the same bloom in the same state twice. Even if you return the very next day.

These are pictures of just a handful of the lovely flowers that she grows and tends to with such TLC throughout the summer. I could have spent many more days and many more hours collecting images of her botanical children. Her garden is an endless pallet of color!

My mom's garden has always been a sanctuary for her and my dad. An island of serenity sequestered within a hustling and bustling world.

I was talking to my dad last evening as I was writing this post, he expressed how important the garden was in creating a stress-free haven for them to escape into, relax and rejuvenate themselves. It's part of their health plan! They both relish being embraced by the peacefulness and calm that her garden brings to their life.
The colors and textures provide "a soothing splendor" to their world...hence the title of today's post.

I hope I've been able to capture some of the serenity that Babette's garden gives my parents and that you enjoy strolling through these images as much as I delighted in working my way through her garden to seek them out!

I hope you've enjoyed this virtual retreat into the floral wonderland that is Babette's garden!
Until next year.

One of the most delightful things about a garden is the anticipation it provides.
~W.E. Johns
revised slightly per special request.