Monday, February 02, 2009

of baking, knitting and super bowls

I love taking pictures of ingredients used in baking. Eggs are too much fun. Go figure. The butter was actually for a chocolate cake (with Andes mint chips and a butter cream frosting) that is now history with no image of the finished product. Too bad. I have it on good authority that it was tastey so I'll be making it again!

The eggs contributed to this lovely confection--a Honey Bun cake with a cinnamon glaze. Yum. Sunday morning just wouldn't be Sunday morning without cinnamon wafting throughout the house. Happily, there is quite a bit left.

Super bowl festivities took place at my sisters' home. We drowned our sorrows in cake and ice cream. Sigh. Lest you think knitting was completely abandoned this weekend, I'm hear to tell you it was not! The Leyburns are official FO post will show up later. The second Holidazed sock is well underway, and I worked a few more rounds of the Papaver Sok.

Wishing you a sweet week!


Anonymous said...

You take such lovely photos.

What type of camera do you use?

Thank you!

pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

What a delicious looking post! And I can't wait to see your Froggin' Leyburns!

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, recipe for the honeybun cake - please! :o)

Samantha said...

Oh my, those look delish! I'm going to have to work on my blog photo's.

depravedyer said...

well I know where I am watching the superbowl next year.

and I have to say it looks like the true super bowl was the one in the kitchen.

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Thank goodness that cake was not at the party I was at yesterday!! Delish!!!!!

Yay for finished Leyburns! Can't wait to see the FO post!

Unknown said...

Love the Leyburns and the cake looks divinely scrumptious!

Rani said...

oh. I saw those eggs and thought - what is she making now. MMmmmmm chocolate.

love the leyburns!

Jean said...

Yummy! I love cinnamon as well and the sock colors look quite festive.

knitspot anne said...

omg, honeybun cake?? that sounds SO good!