Friday, November 20, 2009

sweet times

mmmm....looks like something's up in the kitchen!

It has been so bleak outside, we needed something warm and rejuvenating on the inside.

Brownies seemed like the perfect thing. I mean there ever a bad time for freshly baked brownies?

I hope you all have a sweet weekend!!


Cornflower said...

They look scrumptious, and I want one!

Carolyn Parker said...

I've got the coffee, now a brownie for breakfast would be just right!

Florali said...

with pecans even...mmm mmm good. In the 3rd photo, on first glance I thought the brownie was one of your lovely knittings.

Jenileo said...

Those look so good! I'm so excited that Thanksgiving is here because I love to cook and bake! Thanks for the delicious pictures!

IrishGirlieKnits said...

MMMM....delish!! Breakfast at your house this morning would have been yummy! Happy Friday!

Lorajean Kelley said...

good thing you live so far away! Those look delicious!

Magnolia Handspun said...

There is never a bad time for brownies!!! I can smell them all the way here. Looks delish.

pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

Looks good to me! I feel the drearies dissipating already!