Thursday, February 18, 2010


Madrona Fiber Arts Winter Retreat...don't let the word retreat lull you into thinking this was in anyway a quiet and meditative weekend. Nope. It was filled with giggles and shouts of glee and squeals of delight when one old friend met up with another after a long absence.

It was also filled with sweet treats. Catherine and Jerome have had the booth next to Blue Moon for sometime now...they welcomed our return with open arms and cupcakes!

The 'N' didn't fit, so it had a little box of its own. Too cute.

Ilisha stopped by the booth for a little show and tell with Tina. She does beautiful work. These are photos of a miniature seascape project she was working on. You can see more of her lovely work here.

I might've done some damage at The Artful Ewe. Loved their booth...very autumnal and earthy.

Patti of Sweet Grass Wool was across from us. She's from Montana. She said it's very white there now...I think not...she must single handedly bring a ton of color to Montana; I'm glad she saved some for us!

I might've done a little damage there, too.

Angela brought us more cupcakes to celebrate Valentine's Day! Yum!!

I was smitten with all the autumn color in the Lopez Island Fibers booth. Isn't that little chicken adorable?

A wonderful and busy weekend ended with dinner among old friends and new.

And even after all those cupcakes, we still had room to for apple crisp and chocolate bread pudding with whiskey sauce!

Forget driving...I rolled home.

Happy Friday-eve!!


Magnolia Handspun said...

I would have passed out.
This is truly Heaven on earth.

Thank you so much for sharing this...oh how fun.
I have bought so much yarn from the past owner of Sweet Grass is truly beautiful wool.

Looks like you had a Fabby time!

cockeyed said...

so fun to have you as my roommate again! oh, yeah.....fold or no fold?

Anonymous said...

beautiful and delicious! i'd like some of that apple crisp please!
heard you learned to alphabetize yarn! haha

AfternoonMoon said...

Madrona a couple years back was my first retreat and experience with the open marketplace. I thought I was in heaven. Thank you for the pictures. Warms my heart.

Andi said...

It's perfectly reasonable to eat that many cupcakes if you're that close to Hello Cupcakes.

Unknown said...

I don't think Stitches will have any fun cupcakes, but then, I know where the cupcake bakeries are here anyway.

Glad to know you had a great time.

sarah said...

Yay for Sweet Grass Wool! And for the cupcakes.. mmm! I am going back to that. Hello cupcakes!

Bobbie Casey said...

I am always letting my greedy eyes get me in trouble.
I wrote something already, once and went to see the name of the lady that did the seascapes. They are so interesting and colorful. I will look again in a while.
Thank you so much for giving us such a visual treat.
I am pleased that you had such a nice time. The cupcakes are to die for. When I visit NYC I always go for the cupcakes and Habu.
Welcome back!

Patricia said...

YUM YUM YUM, that looks delicious!
And WOW, so many beautiful colors yearn!!!

pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

That looks like such a wonderful time! And you enjoyed every bit!

Lorajean said...

Thank you so much for the pictures! You went to all my favorite places, I don't know how you knew!!

A Triumverate said...
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Anonymous said...

oh my beautiful AND scrumptious.

cupcakefaerie said...

Gorgeous photos! It was so great to see you again. Hopefully you'll come to visit us in No. CA soon!