Monday, March 28, 2011


We had a typical Oregon weekend...rain, gray, wind, gray, sun, gray, rain and sun, and more gray.

Inbetween all that rain and gray, a new knitting project was started.

The Breaking Hearts socks by Cristi. I've had this pattern for awhile, and it's currently a nominee for the Q2 KAL on the Socks that Rawk group on Ravelry.

Cristi already started her pair, so I'm just following her lead...and she's following Disco's lead, so I'll blame it on Disco, too! I have it on good authority I'm not breaking any rules..and I seem to be in good company if I am.

Please don't ask about the yarn...It's STR, but the skein lost its label. I think it could be a rare gem....I'm running and ducking for cover!

In the spring I have counted one hundred and thirty-six
different kinds of weather inside of four and twenty hours.
~Mark Twain


Andrea Vlahakis said...

Gail, this is such a beautiful sock! Twain was right, too. I bet he was living in his Hartford (CT) home at the time because it describes spring in New England perfectly. :)

pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

I love the cheery colors of your new sock, and Cristi's pattern is lovely. Happy spring!

Discoknits said...

Well, this might be my first time being a trendsetter! How did you like the twisted edge? Fun, or what?!

turtlegirl76 said...

I love the color you picked! It looks so pretty. I am halfway down the foot on mine. I couldn't stop this weekend. Poor citron is languishing.

Jane said...

Happy spring, love the colors.

Betsy said...

It looks like Storytime. I did a pair out of this color a couple of years ago. It's currently on the BMFA page. Great socks.