Friday, April 20, 2012


The Sunflower Field socks are coming along, slowly but surely.
I've been juggling a few pairs of socks, but these are now at the top of the queue.

I heart the yarn (Twist & Twine)

I heart the color (Camilla rocks the dye pots!).

And if you'll forgive me for saying so...I'm enjoying the pattern, too...I've spread out the pattern rows with additional rounds of stockinette and now the sock is flying off its needles!

Did you notice? Three (3!!) posts this week...pass the smelling salts!!

Whatcha' got going on this weekend? Whatever it is, I hope you have a blast!! xo

Unless you try to do something
beyond what you have already mastered,
you will never grow.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunflower Field sock pattern by me in Twist & Twine Seraphina 'sunflower field'


Willow said...

I love these bright colors♥
and the picot edge is really adoreable :-)

turtlegirl76 said...

Dammit woman! I want that stitch pattern! I'm intrigued as to what's going on there.

Anonymous said...

Sunny and cheery. You will have happy little feet!

Discoknits said...

Ooh, that pattern IS intriguing, and the colours are just WOW! Love 'em :0)

fjord girl said... the are really using some lovely & fun patterns!'ll have sunshiney feet!

Weekend warrior: paint bed tomato red, nightstands white...and will be enjoying the sunsine that is coming our way.

pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

Sweet! I love the colors.
Are you going to CGFF? I'm taking a steeking class!

Evelyn said...

I think those are the happiest combination of colors that I've ever seen! Happy knitting weekend.

Rani said...

You always pick the prettiest yarn. Really. You make socks look delicious.

You should see my crochet ripple afghan. It's just awful. Super ugly. Yet. . . I can't stop. I am truly missing my knitting needles. I am 'feeling up' my sock yarn trying to determine which one to start with on a good old pair of socks.

Maryse said...

You're on fire! ;-) Nice color mix! Orange really seems to be popular this spring! Have a wonderful weekend too!

Hullabaloo Homestead said...

Helloo there!! I have some of Camilla's lovely yarn...and I have been sitting on ravlery looking for a good sock pattern for my hubs (as he has been asking me for years to knit him some)...and i thought...jeeze I think I know someone who knits a whole lit of sock and must have a great pattern suggestion. I think I may give these ones a go. So happy to see all your lovely bright and happy photos on here! Hope all is's been awhile!


Hullabaloo Homestead said...

...or just kidding. I didn't realize this is a pattern you made up! You sure a talented. But now I found you on ravlery an I'm sure I can find a good lead in your patterns there.
