Winter's Eve. The perfect name for the December selection of the BMFA sock club. This pattern is perfection itself! These socks were designed by Sivia Harding (Goddess of the bead, sock and lace worlds!!). They are in a semisolid red (if it isn't red, it isn't!). There are cables (my life's blood--oh! and we're back to red!)!!! And there are beads!!! I struggled with my bead choice, but in the end (with encouragement from DH), I went with the pearly beads. For me, they represent the glistening snow, frosty windows, and candle lit rooms that make me think of a Victorian drawing room at Winter's Eve. I see Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth, Emma and her Mr. Knightly....Perhaps Bridget and her Mr. Darcy....Yes, I see Mr. Darcy in a lot of places, a lot of the time (ROTFLOL!!!)...and no, I really don't care whether they are Victorian, Edwardian, or any other "ian"...

Thank you Tina, Kaci, Sivia, and the whole BMFA team!!! You have created a very hard act for your own sweet selves to follow...I can't wait to see what is in store for us in 2007!!!
Happy Holidays!!
I agree, this is gorgeous. I really, really, really like the pearl colored snowdropesque beads and Victorian is exactly the word I was looking for to describe it.
I think this pattern may need to become commercially available :)!
OMG! I am so so so impressed! That sock is just gorgeous - can't wait to start mine! :) Great job!
This is too funny. We are at the exact same spot on our socks! I am LOVING everything about this pattern. I love your bead choice! I picked some beads that have a dusting of real gold (I have a friend who owns a bead shop so she helped me pick the perfect bead). I will posting progress soon. :) Happy beading/knitting/cabling!
gail, I LOVE the pearl very beautious and am so ashamed that I did nit think of out lovely Mr. Darcy myself.
Fabulous socks - I'm starting to wonder - I paid for my 2007 club today - I sure hope the patterns are WELL written and that I've not gotten in over my head - yours are all just great!!
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