Thursday, December 03, 2009

Jen Joy

I need to distract you with this picot edge for just a wee moment!

My 'Embrace the Lace' kit from Woolgirl arrived the other day!! As I was pulling it out of the box and opening it, Mr. NK called it a box of "Jen Joy"!

He was sooo right! Keep scrolling down if you don't mind feasting your eyes on a wee bit of "Jen Joy"!

As if baby camel in 'Spiced Pumpkin' from Lobster Pot yarns wasn't enough...

...look at this felted acorn. Is it not the cutest thing you've ever seen?

Check out the neck Anne Hanson pattern...there are mitts, too!
Lovely, warm, luscious, decadent...pass the smelling salts...this much autumnal goodness should be illegal!

There were other goodies in the package to be sure...but you'll have to wait for your own box to arrive to see those...I don't want to spoil all the fun!

Lest you think I'm a speed knitter...not...just priveleged to be a test knitter...thanks Jen!!!

Happy Friday-eve!!! more little thing...Go DUCKS!!!!!!


Patricia said...

I love the color and the cute acorn!!!
Happy Thursday-eve :)

Tammy said...

Lovely pictures, very warm.

Go Beavers! ;)

knitspot anne said...

oooh, seeing the neckwarmer splayed out that way makes me think it would be an awesome border for a shawl!

LoriAngela said...

I'm lovin' all the distractions!

Magnolia Handspun said...

The acorn is tooo cute.
Oh I am so distracted...lovely vibrant colors and lace pattern.Just makes me happy to see a little sunshine here.

Therese said...

This was hands down my favorite shipment of the lace club so far.

Now I just need to track down some of those cute acorn buttons that Anne used!

Rani said...

I'm 'orange' with envy! That neck warmer looks amazing. I'll have to follow that one on Ravelry.

pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

Lovely, warm fall colors. Cute acorn. And yes, Go DUCKS!

cupcakefaerie said...

Absolutely gorgeous!

sarah said...

Your felted acorn is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I was glad there were two photos of it, although there could have been 3 or 4 or even 5 and I would have been happy :)

Jill L said...

Love the posting -- but what caught my eye was GO DUCKS! My boys go there and are freshman and went to the game last night. Off to Pasadena now!

Anonymous said...

now that is an AMAZING color.

Anonymous said...

now that is an AMAZING color.

Unknown said...

I too love the color but have to ask, what pattern is that neckwarmer? I just looked through all her 40 (!) neck warmer (scarves and cowls) patterns and could not find it. Link please!! Preferably Ravelry!! Thanks :)

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Jen Joy is accurate! Even my sister wants to be around when I get a Jen box!

And oh my!! What a gorgeous pattern, yarn, orange!!, felted love love!