Saturday, March 27, 2010

C and C photo assignment: the egg

Remember the photo assignments I did a few months ago? Well, they're baaaack!! Happy Dance! Yep, Camilla and Carolyn have joined forces as C and C Photography, and have developed new assignments to help us hone our photo skills over the next few weeks.

The first assignment: the egg.

Briefly, we were to take an egg, photograph it on black and on white, then continue to take images as we wished.

I love eggs. You know I love eggs. I bake just to photograph eggs. I was eggstatic over this assignment. You can click on any of the images below to enlarge them and get a better view if you desire.

I did have one little accident...thank goodness I thought to use hardboiled eggs!

In my still life class, we've been discussing collages. I wanted to try placing the eggs on a page and make a still life collage. I was playing with the light a little to give the image a dynamic quality...I like the bottom panel with the shadows better, what do you think?

I think the light from the setting sun enhanced the images below.

I hope you enjoyed my egg pics! Please check out C and C photography, and see what the other folks did with their eggs! I'm sure you won't be disappointed!

Have a great rest of your weekend! xo


Unknown said...

So beautiful. And what could be better than eggs and chocolate -- the perfect start or finish to any recipe. A lovely grouping -- particularly like the egg with the lacy leaf. Great contrast.

Rani said...

Why thanks. I DID enjoy those egg pictures. Who would have thought you could get so creative with an egg. Well, we're talking YOU, so "Very Creative" is what we got!!

Linda said...

I really enjoyed your photos, the first one is my favourite. Your backs and whites are perfect. I found that hard to achieve.

Magnolia Handspun said...

Gail...beautiful work. Love how you did your inspiring grids. I think you creativity really shines thru. h
How fun that you are taking a still life class too. Very interesting light play with the b&W shots,gorgeous indoor and out in nature imagery.

Susan said...

I do like! Egg in a pocket! And the cooking sequence makes me hungry. And the leaves...I love it all.

heather said...

i keep saying wow at everyone's egg photos! the top one is beautiful...and my faves are the still life ones....i also prefer the lower one with the shadows. shadows are always interesting to me!! good thinking on hard boiling. i had a close call too, but i caught it!

cupcakefaerie said...

Bravo, Gail! Love them all, especially the two with the shadows.

magpie said...

love the outdoor eggs. and the broken one I can almost taste.

Unknown said...

Beautiful tonality and color choices. Every one is exquisite. Kudos!

barbaridade said...

Just love your accidented egg!

What a great work you've done, they are all so inspiry!

Clare B said...

I like your egg accident as well. I also agree, the shadows with the stilllife makes the whole composition a little more interesting. Really beautiful pictures!

Judy S. said...

Love the outdoors ones! Your photos are always fun to see.

Patricia said...

I enjoyed your pictures :)
Especially your still life!!!

Anne Marie said...

The egg in the sea shell photo took my breath away. beautiful.

And I absolutely love the photo of your broken egg. The yellow is so vivid. I´d love to know what background you used and your light source.

Maegan Beishline said...

Your photos are beautiful and your exposure looks great!

gonzomama said...

i agree the light from the sun worked beautifully for those last photos. i really like the detail of the lacy leaf against the egg.
the black and whites are beautiful. great exposure!

Connie in Hartwood said...

Your cracked egg photo is wonderful! It fed my current need for all things yellow. Must have something to do with daffodil time.

Nijola said...

Very beautiful white black
Oh... great pleasure to see your work

- said...

Love your amazing and very inspiring photos. The white looks so pure and fragile and the light and shadows are wonderful.

Stephanie said...

I truly enjoyed your images! They are so wonderfully created and well thought out! The last grid is my favorite! Can't wait for next week!

Anonymous said...

Love the broken egg, the yellow and salt are beautiful. Of course now I am hungry. What a wonderful bunch of images.

Nancy said...

Your setting sun pictures are spectacular. It's interesting to see eggs in the kitchen, too... and especially the broken one!

Anonymous said...

Great shadows on your black and whites! And, yes, I like the shadowed panel on your trio the best, too. The simple brown against your white egg in the outdoor series is gorgeous.

Erin Wallace said...

The egg in a sea shell is wonderful and I really like the last gird - the colors are wonderful. All are beautiful. Great!

knitspot anne said...

i love these posts about your class assignments!
i have one question about taking photos for assignments; are you allowed to edit them in photoshop to finalize or do you need to show them as final the way they come out of the camera? (i.e., the only enhancement being your framing and use of light and objects?)

i hope that's not a dumb ignorant question!

Knittymama said...

Aren't those all so lovely!! I love the last few.

Hullabaloo Homestead said...

I love all of your photos. Awesome lighting and compositions. That cracked open hard boiled egg is very cool and the nature egg collage is great. How delicate the see thru leaf look over the delicate shell of the egg.


Yvonne said...

Your B&Ws are stunning - love the shadow play on the white background, and the button in the bottom-right photo!
The broken egg with the delicate, silky looking soft yellow peeling out against the harder yellow is so beautiful! Happy accidents!
And egg in nature - very moving (somehow)!

Jane said...

Love the outside shots against the brown. Nice use of light. and nice to meet you!

Tina said...

Stunning...I really did enjoy your photos. The egg peek out the pocket is fantastic. The nature and egg photos are really stunning.

Tina said...

PS: forgot to say that I like the boiled egg photo also.

t does wool said...

I think you did a creative job here.great first assignment~!

christina said...

these are amazing! such beauty here.
so nice to "meet" you. : )

Allison said...

That last outdoor set is my favorite. Great photos, and what a fun assignment!

Carolyn Parker said...

Beautiful Gail! I like how you used different spaces in you white point shots. The top image is enchanting and the broken egg makes me hungry. The cookbook shots and grid are fun. The red lettering is a nice touch. I think I prefer the top shot-- the shadows are fun, but a little confusing, as far as images go, since there are several strong elements in the image.
The leafy grid is very pretty-- nice touches!

Heather said...

The photos are fantastic!! WOW!!

GailO said...

Love the white one white on white shot! Beautiful:)

I'm not participating in the workshop but I have been thoroughly enjoying visiting everyone's assignment:)

Anonymous said...

I love the eggs in the cooking shots and with Chocolate! How fun.