Thursday, March 11, 2010


My Still Life photography class was last night. The assignment was 'Singles and Multiples'. We were supposed to capture an image of a single item and multiples of said item. There are some very creative and talented photogs in the class...very inspiring, indeed. I need to work on stepping further outside my comfort zone and push the envelope a little bit. Anyway, the flower above is the "single".

This little bouquet is the "multiple".

I've been enjoying playing in b&w lately, especially with images of people, so I thought I would pop this image into black and white for fun. Note to self: An almost all white image becomes very high key in b&w.

Speaking of multiples...check out these beauties--a nice balance to the white!

Happy Friday-eve!!


LoriAngela said...

I immediately thought of a single sock made of many stitches. You capture that so well. Good on you to keep growing.

cupcakefaerie said...

Lovely. What else have you been working on for class?

pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

Beautiful, beautiful pictures.

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Love that you are challenging yourself! The flower pictures are gorgeous!

knitspot anne said...

that's so cool that you're taking a till life class!