Friday, November 05, 2010

leaf on leaf

Done! The Embossed Leaves socks got to take two, count 'em, 2! field trips to local parks for glamour shots in the leaves!!

You know me...I'll do anything for the photoshoot!! (wink!)

Yesterday, I stopped by Gabriel Park to squeeze off a few more shots. It was the most relaxing hour ever! Grass, leaves, trees, blue sky...a girl the socks couldn't ask for more!

I shaped the toes per the pattern on the instep, but not on the sole...

...they seem to fit and look A-okay.

Oh!! A sock groupie!! Really, everyone who was anyone was seen at the park yesterday!!

I also slightly modified the heel in that I didn't cut the yarn as written in the pattern, but just did my usual flap, turn and pick up stitches and had no extra weaving in at the end! Yay!

My cousin Becky and her hubby are in town and I'm hoping they will have time to come out and visit us! We had dinner with them last night and it was beyond fab to see them and visit and catch up. It had been way too many years, but we're going to rectify that now!! :) I'm sure there will be a fair amount of knitting and photography accomplished, too!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Don't forget to "fall back"!! xo

Never say there is nothing beautiful in the world anymore.
There is always something to make you wonder
in the shape of a tree,
the trembling of a leaf.
~Albert Schweitzer

Embossed Leaves pattern by Mona Schmidt in an STR rare gem


Canon Susan in Cinti said...

I think that it must be your lucky birthday week - that the squirrel didn't look under the pretty colorful leaves on your feet - for another nut!!!! (which he/she would have found!) Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

...and a rare nut at that!!!

Kristi aka Fiber Fool said...

So vibrant and beautiful! I'm afraid strong winds ten days ago or so really stripped our color from the trees.

Magnolia Handspun said...

Your work is awe inspiring...and the outdoor images are so cute with the squirrel...

Rani said...

Albert Schweitzer was my great grandma's cousin. I didn't know he was also a poet. :-)

Those socks are perfectly Sugar Maple socks; the pattern and the color.

I hope you had a wonderful time with your cousin and her hubby.

Maryse said...

Beautiful socks! The pictures are really colorful and spirit lifting! I will not forget to "fall back"! Have a great 49h weekend!

t does wool said...

gorgeous socks..lovely autumn series.

Judy S. said...

Great color and a nice pattern! Lots of leaves here, too, and huge ones!