Yarn and Supplies for Amazing Lace Knitting Project: X-tremely Expensive

Coffee and misc caffeinated beverages needed to drink while I knit my Amazing Lace Knitting project: X-tremely Ridiculously Expensive (but X-tremely yummy and X-tremely needed in this venture)!

Movie rentals needed while I knit my X-tremely expensive Amazing Lace Knitting project and drink my high-priced coffee and beverages: X-tremely Outrageously expensive (but, I must say, also X-tremely needed and in some cases, X-tremely Hot and X-tremely Sexy men in these flicks!)

Massive amounts of wine needed to counteract the effects of the X-tremely high content of caffeine consumed during my X-treme movie watching sessions, and the mistakes I am bound to make on my X-treme Lace Knitting project while watching Brad Pitt and various other sexy men on the movie screen, with their X-tremely hot bods, instead of fully concentrating on my X-treme Lace project as I should be doing: X-tremely unexpected (however, much needed as well)!

Having my animals pose willingly and happily with my X-treme Lace Knitting project on, and having them not care about my X-tremely ridiculous mistakes while knitting it under the effects of X-treme caffeine intake, followed by X-treme alcohol consumption, and the X-treme effects of watching hot, sexy men while trying to knit a lace project:
X-tremely Priceless (and X-tremely adorable)!

You are X-tremely funny. I love your posts!
tee-hee. Cute!
Ha ha! Boy does all that wine look good...is that your home wine cellar? :) Your dog and cat are so cute too!
now that is one X-TREME post, girl - way to go!
I think you wrote X-treme(ly) an X-treme number of times!! Great post WG!!! You never fail to crack me up!!! Knit on!!!
writing about Handmaiden Sea Silk yarn was not fair! looks like lovely lovely yarn!!! how does it feel?
The Sea Silk is just wonderful! It feels like butter, actually, just really awesome to knit with. Can't wait to have them wrapped around my feet! :)
Sounds like the way to knit lace! I won't be the party pooper and say that's how I got into troubles and had to take x-treme ripping measures. Knit on, and bring on the caffeine, boys, alcohol and fun.
Great post! Looks like you've come up with a winning formula there, for sure. The lace you've got so far looks stunning!
thanks for stopping by my blog to say hi!
Leslie, you are my kind of girl! :)
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