the talented and wonderful m agreed to meet e and me at a coffee shop the other night to teach us how to read japanese crochet patterns, so we, too, could make our very own cute, little, big-headed, crazy-looking japanese animals. m is a master teacher, and, even though my forays into crochet do not extend beyond an ugly blanket i made for s our second year together, suprisingly it just came flying back to me. (okay, a bump or two along the way, but what is learning, anyway, besides bumps and u-turns, maybe a full-on crash or two along the way, huh?) e and i kind of decided to work on the same project, just in case either of us had problems or questions, we could consult one another. but, m is really good at explaining the how-to's, and guess what? crocheting ain't all that hard, and neither is reading japanese patterns. whodathunkit?

a face only a mother could love, sure, but you should have heard s giggling when i finished attaching this lil guy's feet. he immediately asked if he could have it, so i would definitely rate this project a success. watch out - i see a new obsession on the horizon.
knitting news: finished sock hops on the trip to columbus; started str sock club socks in columbus, and did not touch my fab classic. will get to that soon.
You duck is adorable. I found this great site that helps translate japanese patterns. Here is the link: http://www.tata-tatao.to/knit/e-index.html Have fun! :)
I just met Mr. Blue Duck in person and he is quite a looker. I seriously might have to stop off and get some eye balls for my little guy. He is done except for one leg and may make his runway debut tomorrow...
He's so cute! :)
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