Friday, July 23, 2010

friday's flowers: critter alley

There's a 100 yard stretch of road that we've dubbed "critter alley". This last month it has been teeming with all sorts of life and activity. Ladybugs. Dragonflies. Damselflies. Butterflies. Spiders. We go walking nearly every evening down this stretch of have to time it right...too late and the sun and warmth are gone and so are the critters.

You really never know who you're going to come across. Every evening is a new gift.

I've dubbed this post "critter alley". It is a smattering of captures from the past couple of months, not only from the 'alley', but also from my daily walks around the garden...a place where dragonflies and spiders abound. We are so lucky to have so much life fluttering all around us.

Enjoy your stroll down my virtual "critter alley". Perhaps you'll see something that you've never seen before!

Everytime I look at this image I see more and more in it. Click to enlarge and see how much you see!

Well, did you see something new?

I hope you all have a had a great week and are cruising into a fabulous weekend! xo

Love is anterior to life, posterior to death,
initial of creation,
and the exponent of breath.
~Emily Dickinson


Allison said...

That yellow spider is amazing! What a fun photo set.

Carolyn Parker said...

Brilliant post-- the orange dragon on magenta is over the top. Love your special alley.

Anonymous said...

I am always blown away by your photography. This post is exceptional! Thank you so much for sharing.

annmarie said...

beautiful pictures of some wonderful critters. thanks for sharing your stroll. :)

Magnolia Handspun said...

That is some!
Beautiful it.

Judy S. said...

Great photos! How'd you get those critters to stay still? Do you know what kind of butterfly that is? We saw one too that was going crazy with excitement over whatever it was finding in a yellow lily!

Lolly said...

I love the mass of little white flowers with all the bugs.

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Amazing! It is almost as if they are working the camera, posing for you! How do you do it? The third from my top....favorite!

Jane said...

Wow this is sooo cool, love it.

Carolyn Parker said...

How nice to see this post again-- you should make a Critter Alley badge and put it in your sidebar. The bee on that foxglove is and ED moment.

Now your mom and dad will get to log on here-- what fun for them, and thanks for sending them our way.