Monday, February 21, 2011


It's been awhile since my last post...I've been deluged at work.

 I started and finished the Christopher hat, but haven't had a chance to photograph it until now. I made it bigger as an 88 stitch hat just didn't seem like it would fit an adult man. Rip. Either did 96 stitches. Rip. A little multiplication told me that 10% negative ease would result in 112 stitches fits although it looks huge...I wish it were a wee snugger on him, but it's done and Mr. NK loves it.

I love the colors...MadTosh Vintage in Baltic and Twig.

Remember the cabled's finished, too. I seem to be hat challenged regarding size, as this was also to fit an adult man; I knit to gauge and it was quite snug on me. I blocked it pretty aggressively. I dunno...hats and mittens are a challenge to to fit. Sigh.

That's all I've got this Monday.

I hope your week is off to a good start!


elizabeth said...

Those colors are beautiful! Hope your workload eases!

Jane said...

I will start knitting next week with a friend, hope that it is not to frustrating.

So jealous of your knitting work. Beautiful.

Have a happy and calm week.

Rani said...

Beautiful colors.

We're snowed in. . . . again. Ha. But's it's very pretty outside. I started a pair of mittens and will have to rip them back and start again since they will have be a perfect fit. It's out of that Blue Moon silk mawata hankie. mmmmmm - so soft and silky.

Cinti Canon Susan said...

I'll bet you were expecting some smarty pants response about these last two, sorry I was delayed in getting this off to you.. It takes a bigger hat to hold all the gray matter that you two have!!! Here... a simple thought...
BIG BRAINS....BIGGER HAT!!! Don't think about it too hard (a waste of fine gray matter usage). LOL Save your deep thoughts for the important stuff, please?! Thanks for sharing that all your projects are not totally perfect! (How do you spell relief?) Now - off to find the #@* dictionary...for "verdant"....oh poop!

Maryse said...

That blue is so gorgeous! I love the contrast with the chocolate brown!