My Mr. NK is the bestest!
He can pull off the Brooklyn Tweed look like there's no tomorrow!
He can pull off the Brooklyn Tweed look like there's no tomorrow!

He does the happy dance even when it's gray.
Did I mention that he's a comedian extraordinaire?!!
(no models were hurt, but we don't suggest you try this without adult supervision!)
What more could a girl ask for in her Mr. NK??
Happy Valentine's Day!!xo
Love puts the fun in together,
the sad in apart,
and the joy in a heart.
~Author Unknown
The want to know about the hat?? It's the Christopher hat knit in MadTosh Vintage
The want to know about the hat?? It's the Christopher hat knit in MadTosh Vintage
You guys are cute and funny :0) Happy Valentine's Day!
Mr. NK looks like quite a character! Happy Valentine's Day to both of you!
How sweet! Happy Valentine's Day!
Oh what a cutie Mr. NK is in his Brooklyn Tweed hat! He needs to take up modeling! :) Happy Hugs and Hearts to you both this Valentine's Day!
Woolgirl and Woolboy
Happy Valentines day!!! I'm glad to see that Mr. NK and yourself or as happy as me and my Silver_Mane. Many more years of as much happiness as you can handle to ya!
Happy Heart Day!!!! What a happy bunch of pictures!
That hat, the yarns (and the Mister) are fantastic! Hope you had a lovely day.
Great Combination - both of you!
Happy Mush!
Loved your post! Cherish your man dear! xx
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