Friday, July 09, 2010

friday's flowers: morning joy

This time of year the early morning light is the best. With that in mind, I went walking yesterday morning, early...while it was still capture the morning in pixels.

I was aiming for Queen Anne's Lace, but I got a few other things, too!

And the lady gosh...they were all over the place. I mean, it almost got boring to shoot them...but not quite.

I invite you to grab a cup of your favorite morning beverage, and scroll and stroll at your own pace!

(Do you see the hidden passenger in the image above?)

This little lb just didn't want to get up, she seems so nestled and comfy!

I returned to the same spot in the evening to capture the QAL during the golden hour of light...everything had changed so much in a day, but I'm saving that for another post!

I hope you all have a marvelous weekend! xo

When day will break
And you will wake
And you will rake your hands
Across your eyes
And realize

That it's going to be a day
There is really no way to say no
To the morning.

Yes it's going to be a day
There is really nothing left to say but
Come on morning.
~Dan Fogelberg


christina said...

oh honey, this walk you shared, is glorious!
deep sigh for such beauty.
: )

Carolyn Parker said...

and I've spent my morning inside-- how could I? It's cold, sunless, and windy out, but that's no excuse. This was a fun post idea-- makes me want to do it w a certain subject waiting on my desktop. I read yesterday that lbs wouldn't be around if there were no aphids-- can't see them in the pics though.

The nigella halo in #2 swoon.
The nigella shadow in #8 double swoon.
The nigella bokeh in #9, yes indeedy-- triple swoon.

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Okay, maybe I would get up early for that kind of walk!! Glorious indeed!

Perfect way to start off the weekend with those fabulous shots! Happy Friday!

pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

Beautiful! Morning is not my time, so I thank you for sharing it with me!

Jane said...

Sososo beautiful. You capture flowers so wonderful, very inspiring

Susan (florali) said...

Yes, yes, early morning is the best. Everyone waking up to light. So many pretty layers and texture.

Magnolia Handspun said...

I'm with Carolyn.

I love the detail and morning light in the images.
Just gorgeous.