Monday, May 16, 2011

macarons and monday

How was your weekend?
Ours was quiet, gray and rainy...with a spot of sun late on Sunday.

Lots of knitting was accomplished. One secret knitting project finished, and the other one slowly, sloooowly progressing!

I was able to work on my Tesserae socks for a couple of hours for a little break.

I'm really enjoying the mama llama yarn.

I found that little button on something I bought at the antique store awhile ago...the colors match the yarn beautifully so I had to incorporate it into the imagery.

And the macarons...they're from Two Tarts...I've been so busy photographing them that I can't tell you how they taste...I think they need to be a little more generous with the filling though! :)

I hope your week is off to a great start!!

Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.
~Mother Teresa of Calcutta 

Tesserae socks by Anne Hanson in Mama Llama 'See Spot Run'


Judy S. said...

You really need to make a hat to go with the socks and to use that button! You always find the prettiest yarn colors~great quotes too!

Carrie said...

So pretty! Glad you had a nice weekend! It is a dreary rainy Monday here, but it is knitting time now :)

Happy Monday!