Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Black Sheep Gathering was a blast...The stash was modestly enhanced...more on that in a later post.

The Rivercat socks are finished! Yippy skippy!

You can find more details on my Ravelry page, but suffice it to say, these socks are Awwwwsome!
The pattern is engaging, the fit is perfect and the yarn...

...the yarn is phenomenal. I heart the Woolen Rabbit!!

It's always nice to have an assistant during a photoshoot!

Happy Tuesday!!

How could drops of water know themselves to be a river?
Yet the river flows on.
~Antoine de Saint-Exupery 


Liz in Missouri said...

I love Woolen Rabbit, too.
Am drooling just a little bit. . .

behind the ivy said...

Beautiful socks! They're such a wonderfully summery blue.

Maryse said...

Love that pattern! I had completely forgotten about the new Knitty! The tones of the yarn you used are amazing!

Anonymous said...

Those are just beautiful! I love the colors!
I heard lots of good things about BSG!
Can't wait to your enhancements!

Julie said...

Simply lovely socks!