Thursday, June 02, 2011

knitting around

I can't believe it's Friday-eve already...I'm not sure where the week has gone.
Monday was the first unofficial day of summer, and it was glorious here in the Pacific NW...and Tuesday the rains returned. We've had the third coldest and the second wettest spring on record.

All that good knitting weather has been well spent as the second Tesserae is well underway.
I also finished the first Rivercat sock...but more on that later.
Happy Friday-eve!

Come, knit hands, and beat the ground, in a light fantastic round.
~John Milton 

1 comment:

susan {florali} said...

Love your perfect for the photos/colors.
We've had the same cold and wet weather for son long, I'm wondering if summer is just an illusion or a memory.