Friday, July 15, 2011

happy stitching

Something came in the mail this week....

...aren't they pretty?
Tiny dose stitch markers in Lime green and Swimming Pool blue from the Velvet Hippo.

Torii is a sweetheart...she custom made these markers, and they fit my sock needles perfectly!

I lovelovelove them!!

Happy Stitching, indeedy!! Especially with markers that coordinate with my knitting!! :)

And a very happy weekend to you!! xo

Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands,
but let it go,
and you learn at once how big and precious it is.
~Maxim Gorky 


Andrea said...

Gail, I'm so glad you like them!! Enjoy!

Susan Voegtly said...

Your are soooo in trouble!!!
Oh well, paybacks are....poopy!

dianne said...

Those are adorable and are giving me ideas of my own!

LoriAngela said...

They are so happy and just the right size.

Allison said...

Great set of colors! They look especially good with this yarn.

Anonymous said...

Yes, these are wonderful stitch markers! I have a number of sets including Alice, Almost Alice, & Tea Party. Love them!

Maryse said...

Thank you for the link! My stitch markers are the most ordinary stitch markers but the good news is that I will need new ones soon! Hope you are having a happy weekend!

heyfatlulu said...

Gail, I am blown away by your gorgeous photos!
So happy you are enjoying your markers, and that the fit is right. They look lovely with your project! x