Friday, July 22, 2011

soul of the home

Which sock pattern do these picots grace? Can you guess?

I've knit 13 of these socks. It has been a long, long while since I knit the last one. Thirteen seemed like a good place to stop. A lucky place, perhaps.

(hint: counting socks on Ravelry won't help you guess the pattern, as some of these socks never made it to Ravelry, apparently!!)

A wise, knitterly friend told me that 14 would be luckier.

...I took it to heart and started planning the next sock!

Do you know what these are yet?

Yep. A Monkey sock.
The 14th Monkey.
Here's to a little extra luck!!

Happy weekend! xo 

I love cats because I enjoy my home;
and little by little, they become its visible soul.
~Jean Cocteau 

Monkey sock pattern by Cookie A in STR 'lavender truffle'


Discoknits said...

The monkey sock, a classic! Love the colour too :0)

Christine P. said...

I thought I was bad knitting 6 Monkey socks! You have encourageed me to knit more Monkey socks! I think I will for my Sock Summit trip! It's easily to memorize and I sweat it's faster than vanilla socks! See you at SS!

Allison said...

The monkeys are such a good choice. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

dianne said...

You can never go wrong with the monkey sock! I think that pattern is enchanted as it just seems to work with any yarn your heart desires :-)

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Monkey socks in that is comfort knitting!

Can't wait to see you next week at Sock Summit! It has been too long!

Woolgirl Sock Club Members said...

Your post today just made me smile. I love the new Monkey socks, and I can feel your love for kitties...what a gorgeous photo! Thanks for making it such a special Friday! See you soon!

Judy S. said...

Nice color! I'll be your picot is faster than the twisted rib? I have one monkey done and one to go....

Lolly said...

Lavender Truffle.....yum!!

Maryse said...

Great pattern! Unless you have a one-legged friend, I'd say 14 Monkeys are also more practical ;-)

Shelda said...

Love these monkeys! Very nice. I'm about to start a fourth pair myself. I found a skein of Skinny Bugga in "Miss Spider," and my first thought was "wow! spider monkeys" ;)