It's that time of year - the leaves are turning, the air has a hint of chill in it...the decorations are beginning to be displayed - the oranges and blacks, the witches, the goblins, the scarecrows and carefully carved out pumpkins. The signs of Halloween are all around us ~ and then, all of a sudden, they aren't. I started this post BEFORE Halloween, and now, as I return to finish it, it's the day after Halloween. They actually had their 50% off sale in the little gift store up near where I work, so I know it must be the day after Halloween. The Thanksgiving and fall items are displayed in the window now, preparing us for Thanksgiving next. I just love this time of year.
I arrived home today to a pretty package in the mail - lo and behold, a pink and brown leather bag to hold more of my knitting goodies! It's more fabulous in person than it was online. And, a percentage of the profits will go towards breast cancer research, so it serves a great cause, and a great purpose in my life too! One can never have too many bags! I'm sure you can all relate to that. But wait, didn't I just buy a new bag last week? That's beside the point. A person...esp a knitter, can never have too many bags! That's that.

I also arrived home to some beautiful blooming african violets. I can't believe 2 of them (I have just 3 now) are actually in full bloom. When did this happen? I'm not complaining, just wondering, as it seems they were NOT in bloom at all when I left for work this morning. I must be halucinating. In any case, they are beautiful! I am going to cherish them while they are here and hope that whatever happened last night keeps on happenin!

I've decided to leave my pumpkin decorations out for a month longer - through Thanksgiving. Why not? Pumpkins are for Thanksgiving too, right? Pumpkin pie, yadda yadda yadda. I'm leaving them - part of it is sheer laziness - that I don't want to bring out all of my Thanksgiving decorations, as they're still in boxes from my move 6 months ago, but part of it is that I really love the whole pumpkin theme. There's just something so cozy and warm and comforting about pumpkins, isn't there? It just gives off that "warm fall feeling". Hmmm...maybe there's a song to be had here..."you've got, that warm fall feeling, oh that warm fall feeling, bring back that warm fall feeling...." OK, that's crazy, but whatever. I'm leaving the pumpkins.

The pumpkins are stayin!!!!!!

The pumpkins will not be leaving the building!

Listen to the man, the pumpkins are stayin!

OK, enough. Point taken.
Fall has been, thus far, a season of completing projects. I finally finished the Petrified Wood STR socks for Kevin (and I must say, he's a great, and, I might add, pretty sexy poser):

...decided to pass some projects on to others (as it seemed I would never complete them) - but, I know, this yarn is going to S's loverly home, where it will be knitted with all of the care and compasion and true love it deserves:

....decided to rip out some projects (doesn't this look a little like brain? Yuck!But very fitting for Halloween, I must say):

...and am starting some much needed projects (much needed for the soul, that is)- Holiday WHY KAL socks using Jingle Bell Rock STR:

and a lovely wrap (yarn still to be wound):

STR Sock Club Socks for the month of October:

I'm also finishing up a lovely felted bag for my mom, a baby sweater for my sister's baby (who will be turning 2 in December), a pair of mittens for my MIL, and 2 little bitty ponchos for my neices. Yes, I have too darn much on my plate for Christmas, so what am I doing posting right now? I need to get on the stick and start knitting some of these projects!
I will just leave you with this. Yesterday I found this lovely little guy outside on my porch. Looks like he was having a grand time feasting on lots of helpless and unsuspecting insects. Doesn't this photo just give you the eebie jeebies and make you shake all over??? Yuck! If that isn't enough, check out the next one that's a more closeup photo! I know that having spiders around is supposed to be a good thing, however, I really do not want to share a house or a bed, or anything for that matter, with this guy. I can't believe this large of a spider is actually lurking around my house. Are there more, I wonder? Yuck!

lotsa knitting, lotsa pumpkins (totally appropriate for the entire fall season), and lotsa rain - autumn is officially here in oregon!
Hey WG!!! I'm so glad the pumpkins are staying!!! You have quite the collection, tres cool!!! Happy Autumn!!!
I second, or third, or is that fourth the keeping of the pumpkins. We have one white one left that will soon become pie. Then...no more until next year, I suppose, unless the fruit/veggie stands still have a few left hanging around.
Who needs to decorate for Halloween when you've got spiders like that to do it for you? Eeew. I remember how HUGE the spiders were when I lived in Seattle. Eeew again.
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