Thursday, August 12, 2010

lace light

The Hamamelis, she is finished!

I blocked it twice. The first time I couldn't find my T-pins. Oy. I used wires only.

After finding my T-pins she blocked to the expected size. I had just a few yards of yarn left over after knitting up the medium sized shawl.

I heart it.

I can't wait for autumn...well, truth be told, I couldn't wait before this shawl was finished.

Now, I really, really can't wait!

Happy Friday-eve!!!

Beauty is not in the face;
beauty is a light in the heart.
~Kahlil Gibran

Hamamelis shawl designed by Kristin Kapur knit in Hazel Knits 'Cascade Canopy'


Artful Gathering said...

awesome shawl...

Gale Bulkley said...

What a gorgeous colour. The shawl's great.

Susan {florali} said...

beautiful shawl and beautifully photographed!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! And the colours go so well with summer, you almost wish you could wear it in the heat :)

Cloudberry said...


elizabeth said...

You put that on a barbed wire fence?!?!! You're one crazy woman! It's gorgeous. I wish it were fall too!

Judy S. said...

Love it and the socks! Your needles must be smoking!

Anonymous said...

What a stunning piece you made! I love everything about it, the color, the pattern, the way you blocked it, the perfection of your knitting, the photographs . . .

Lolly said...

...especially the photographs! ; )

Andi said...

Beauty is that shawl. Your brilliant photo only adds to its beauty!

Rani said...

I'm very jealous! Green with envy. That drape and color and design is simply perfect. If that was my shawl, I'd be waiting for those cool winds to blow, too. Just gorgeous! I'm off to put it in my Ravelry faves.