Monday, August 30, 2010

monday yellows

Hello, good morning! Did you have a good weekend!? The last week or so were pretty busy at work, so it was nice to hang out at home! It seemed like a pretty full weekend...they always go by too fast, don't they?

Some knitting was accomplished. Remember the Squid socks?

The leg is done, heel flap completed, and the gussets decreased...It's amazing the power of coffee over breakfast...well...maybe two breakfasts and a disc of Mad Men season 3!!

As Summer into Autumn slips
And yet we sooner say
"The Summer" than "the Autumn,"
lest we turn the sun away...
~Emily Dickinson

Squid sock pattern by Nikki Burns in Hazel Knits 'stick o' butter' artisan sock yarn


t does wool said...

yellow...warm and lovely...a little reminder that summer is still here for a little bit.
beautiful knit~

cupcakefaerie said...

Just what I needed to brighten the gray morning. Thank you. Have a great week!

I thought you might want to know that autumn arrived in the Bay Area last Friday -- sun seemed lower in the sky, chill in the air and breezy. We had maybe five days of summer total.

Carolyn Parker said...

Great quote and lovely yellows?