I started some new socks using yarn that my hubby got me the first Christmas we were dating, about two months after we met. I knew then he was a keeper! I had never knit socks before and knit one malformed beast that didn't fit whatsoever and had laid aside the yarn ever since. But now it's back in the limelight where it deserves to be, with a little zig zag pattern I found in A Treasury of Knitting Patterns.

Finally, I'm about 1/3 done with my Rogue sleeves. All the cabling is done, so now it's just lots of stocking stitch.

I should mention a very not kniterly project I started on this weekend that will inevitably slow all of the aforementioned... The man was out of town so I stripped all the layers of wallpaper and paint off our bedroom down to the plaster and ripped off all the trim in order to strip it. So there's a little left to do on that...
Great bag, E, and those socks...ooh, doggy. um, your, um, sleeve looks good - what are those the sleeves to again? hmmm. well, those walls are a-callin' you, i must say. Put the sleeves down, and sloooowly back away from the yarn. i need more time...
I love the shape and colour of that bag! Even if the felting was a bit of an extra job, I think the end result was worth it.
The color on those socks is so interesting...really nice! Your husband has good taste. ;) Your rogue sleeves are awesome!
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